Your Story Is Important!
It will help us get better at supporting young people as they transition from foster care into adulthood.
Your answers help us to to plan and make decisions about program and benefit young people in foster care and
those transitioning to adulthood.
You are being asked to take this survey because you took the survey when you were 17 and we are interested
in hearing from you again at ages 19 and 21. The survey is a way for us to see how you are doing
and how we can better help young people like yourself.
Each time you participate in the survey you will receive an incentive:
$35 at age 19, and $75 at age 21!
This is Personal!
Some of the questions may feel personal or intrusive. Your answers are voluntary and you have the right to
decline questions that make you feel uncomfortable. If the survey brings up uncomfortable feelings and you need to talk with someone call
1-844-493-TALK (8255)
anytime 24/7.
Questions! After the survey you will receive a list of resources and supports you may qualify for and want to take advantage of.
If you have questions about this survey contact